Confirmation of Sulphur Presence on the South Pole of the Moon by Indian Rover

India’s Moon rover, Chandrayaan-3, has made a groundbreaking discovery by confirming the presence of sulphur on the lunar south pole. This remarkable achievement marks a significant milestone in space exploration, as it is the first time that in-situ measurements on the elemental composition of the lunar surface near the south pole have been made.

The Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) instrument onboard Chandrayaan-3 Rover was responsible for analyzing the lunar surface and detecting the presence of sulphur. This finding was not feasible with the instruments onboard the orbiters, making it a groundbreaking discovery. Additionally, spectrographic analysis revealed the presence of aluminium, calcium, iron, chromium, and titanium on the lunar surface. Moreover, further measurements confirmed the existence of manganese, silicon, and oxygen.

Chandrayaan-3’s six-wheeled solar-powered rover, Pragyan, which translates to “Wisdom” in Sanskrit, will now embark on a two-week mission to explore and map the largely unexplored south pole of the Moon. Equipped with advanced imaging capabilities and scientific instruments, Pragyan will transmit valuable images and data back to Earth, enhancing our understanding of this enigmatic region.

India’s space program has been making remarkable strides in recent years, achieving significant milestones while operating at a fraction of the cost of other space programs. Despite facing setbacks in the past, such as the failure of a previous lunar mission during its final descent four years ago, India has remained resilient and determined to push the boundaries of space exploration.

The successful landing of Chandrayaan-3 on the Moon’s south pole last week has captured the attention and admiration of the public worldwide. The achievement is even more commendable considering that it occurred just days after a Russian lander crashed in the same region. It’s a testament to India’s scientific prowess and dedication to advancing our knowledge of the universe.

India’s ambitions in space exploration extend beyond the Moon. In 2014, India became the first Asian nation to orbit Mars, a remarkable feat that showcased its technological capabilities. Looking ahead, India plans to launch a probe towards the sun in September and aims to conduct a crewed mission into Earth’s orbit by next year. Additionally, a joint mission with Japan to send another probe to the Moon is scheduled for 2025, and an orbital mission to Venus is planned within the next two years.

India’s space agency, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), has become a global leader in space exploration, pushing boundaries and expanding human knowledge. Its achievements are not only a source of national pride but also contribute significantly to our collective understanding of the universe.

As India continues to make strides in space exploration, the world eagerly awaits future discoveries and breakthroughs that will further unravel the mysteries of our celestial neighbors. The confirmation of sulphur on the lunar south pole by Chandrayaan-3 is just the beginning of a new era of scientific exploration and discovery. With each mission, India brings us closer to unlocking the secrets of the universe and expanding the horizons of human knowledge.