AI boosts Mars rover findings

AI boosts Mars rover findings

Los Angeles CA (SPX) Jul 17, 2024

Artificial intelligence is transforming how scientists analyze rock samples collected by the Perseverance rover on Mars.

For nearly three years, Perseverance has been utilizing AI to autonomously identify minerals in Martian rocks. This innovative use of AI on Mars marks a significant step toward creating “smart” spacecraft capable of independent scientific exploration.

The AI techno

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Innovative Technology Reveals Martian Atmosphere

Innovative Technology Reveals Martian Atmosphere

London, UK (SPX) Jul 09, 2024

An antenna on ExoMars’ Trace Gas Orbiter has been repurposed to help researchers explore new areas of the Martian atmosphere.

Using this modified equipment, a team including researchers from Imperial College London has investigated previously unreachable regions of Mars’ atmosphere. These areas, which can obstruct radio signals, are vital for future Mars habitation missions.

The anal

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Study Indicates Mars Had Cold Icy Conditions

Study Indicates Mars Had Cold Icy Conditions

Los Angeles CA (SPX) Jul 11, 2024

The question of whether Mars ever supported life has fascinated scientists and the public for decades. Central to this inquiry is understanding the planet’s past climate: was it warm and wet, akin to Earth’s climate, or was it cold and icy, making it less likely to support life as we know it? A recent study points to the latter, drawing parallels between Martian soils and those found in the suba

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Mars Voyagers First CHAPEA Year

Mars Voyagers First CHAPEA Year

Houston TX (SPX) Jul 12, 2024

When the first humans travel to the Red Planet, they will need to know how to repair and maintain equipment, grow their own food, and stay healthy, all while contending with Earth-to-Mars communication delays. They must also find ways to build comradery and have fun.

The first all-volunteer CHAPEA (Crew Health and Performance Exploration Analog) crew accomplished all of that and more durin

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Europe’s Earth Return Orbiter Progresses to Next Stage

Europe’s Earth Return Orbiter Progresses to Next Stage

Paris, France (SPX) Jul 08, 2024

ESA’s Earth Return Orbiter (ERO), the pioneering spacecraft designed to capture and return samples from Mars, has achieved a significant milestone, completing its critical design review (CDR). This essential phase confirms the performance, quality, and reliability of the spacecraft’s systems, enabling the next steps in its development.

A CDR is a crucial stage in any spaceflight project, e

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Martian Organic Material Suggests Origin of Life’s Building Blocks

Martian Organic Material Suggests Origin of Life’s Building Blocks

Berlin, Germany (SPX) Jul 02, 2024

Two samples from Mars together deliver the “smoking gun” in a new study showing the origin of Martian organic material. The study presents solid evidence for a prediction made over a decade ago by University of Copenhagen researchers that could be key to understanding how organic molecules, the foundation of life, were first formed here on Earth.

In a meteor crater on the red planet, a sol

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Volunteers Leaving NASA’s Simulated Mars Habitat After 378 Days

Volunteers Leaving NASA’s Simulated Mars Habitat After 378 Days

Los Angeles CA (SPX) Jul 03, 2024

The four volunteers who have been living and working inside the space agencys first simulated yearlong Mars habitat mission are set to exit their ground-based home on Saturday, July 6. the space agency will provide live coverage of the crews exit from the habitat at the space agencys Johnson Space Center in Houston at 5 p.m. EDT.

the space agency will stream the activity, which will includ

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NASA Mars Simulator Crew Exiting After Yearlong Stay

NASA Mars Simulator Crew Exiting After Yearlong Stay

Washington DC (UPI) Jul 2, 2024

The first volunteer crew, to live for more than a year inside NASA’s Mars habitat at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, will exit the simulated Red Planet ground mission on Saturday.
Crew members Kelly Haston, Anca Selariu, Ross Brockwell and Nathan Jones will be greeted with a short welcome ceremony at about 5 p.m. EDT, which can be viewed on NASA+, NASA Television, the NASA app and

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Martian Meteorite Impacts Serve as Cosmic Clock for Dating Planets

Martian Meteorite Impacts Serve as Cosmic Clock for Dating Planets

London, UK (SPX) Jul 01, 2024

Seismic signals indicate that Mars is hit by approximately 300 basketball-sized meteorites annually, offering a new method for dating planetary surfaces.

New research led by scientists at Imperial College London and ETH Zurich, as part of NASA’s InSight mission, reveals the frequency of ‘marsquakes’ caused by meteorite impacts on Mars. The study found that Mars experiences between 280 and

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