Calvin Parker, Noteworthy Figure from Pascagoula, Has Departed


It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Calvin Parker on August 24th. Calvin Parker was one of the two men involved in the infamous 1973 alien abduction case on the Pascagoula River in Mississippi. His death comes as a blow to the UFO community and to those who knew him personally.

Calvin Parker’s battle with terminal kidney cancer had been ongoing, and while his time was limited, it was still heartbreaking news for his loved ones. He passed away peacefully at home surrounded by his wife Waynette and close family members. A private memorial service was held on September 2nd to honor his life.

For those unfamiliar with Calvin Parker’s story, the 1973 alien abduction case on the Pascagoula River remains one of the most significant and well-documented encounters in UFO history. Calvin and his friend Charles Hickson were fishing when they were allegedly abducted by extraterrestrial beings. The incident gained widespread attention and sparked discussions about the existence of extraterrestrial life.

In the years leading up to his passing, Calvin Parker became a close friend of Philip Mantle, a renowned UFO researcher and author. They shared a strong bond and engaged in regular conversations via Skype. Philip Mantle describes Calvin as a charming and intelligent man with a great sense of humor. The loss of their friendship has deeply affected Philip, who openly admitted to shedding tears upon hearing the news.

Philip Mantle made a commitment to Calvin Parker to help cement his legacy and ensure that his story would be documented for future generations. Calvin wanted answers, and through his books and interviews, he hoped to shed light on what happened to him and Charles Hickson that fateful night in 1973.

While Calvin Parker’s presence will be greatly missed, Philip Mantle emphasizes that the search for more information about the encounter case continues. He urges anyone with additional information to come forward before it is too late. Philip and Dr. Scott have been actively seeking more details for years and believe that there may be other eyewitnesses to the UFO events in 1973. They have already interviewed several individuals, some of whom have chosen to remain anonymous, but many others have bravely shared their stories using their real names. Philip Mantle emphasizes that time is of the essence and encourages potential witnesses to reach out to him as soon as possible.

For those interested in delving deeper into Calvin Parker’s story, Philip Mantle’s book titled “1973: A Time of UFO Sightings, Landings, and Abductions” provides valuable insights. Additionally, recordings of Philip’s interviews with Calvin Parker can be found on various platforms online.

The legacy of Calvin Parker will live on through the memories of those who knew him and the documentation of his extraordinary experience. As we mourn his passing, let us remember the courage it took for him to share his story and the impact he had on those who heard it. Calvin Parker may no longer be with us, but his spirit lives on in the hearts of those who continue to seek answers and explore the mysteries of the universe.