Transference of The Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO) Records Completed

The Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO), once considered one of the leading civilian UFO research organizations in the world, has transferred its research files to the National UFO Historical Records Center (NUFOHRC) in Rio Rancho, NM. Dr. J. Allen Hynek, former Scientific Adviser to U.S. Air Force Project Blue Book, praised APRO and the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) as the best civilian UFO groups of their time. The files of APRO, NICAP, and the Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS) are now housed at the headquarters of NUFOHRC.

APRO was founded in 1952 by Jim and Coral Lorenzen and was later based in Tucson, AZ. NICAP was started in 1957 in Washington D.C. by Major Donald Keyhoe, while CUFOS was founded in 1973 by Dr. J. Allen Hynek in Chicago, IL. These organizations have a wealth of UFO archival records, which are currently being digitized for electronic storage, analysis, transfer, and ease of access.

Combining the files of APRO, NICAP, CUFOS, and Dr. J. Allen Hynek’s original U.S. Air Force Project Blue Book files, NUFOHRC now possesses the largest civilian historical UFO case file collection in the United States, if not the world.

NUFOHRC is currently searching for an appropriate site in the Albuquerque, NM area to establish a permanent facility for housing this extensive collection of UFO research data. This facility will provide public access to the UFO data, as well as the opportunity to view historic photos and artifacts from the UFO research field. NUFOHRC aims to collaborate with civilian, scientific, and governmental UFO research efforts.

Never before in U.S. history has such a massive collection of UFO records, numbering in the tens of thousands, been centralized in a single location. This presents a unique opportunity for researchers, academics, scientists, and U.S. government organizations to delve into the extensive information.

NUFOHRC is a non-profit organization registered as a 501(c)(3), which means that donations made to the center are tax-deductible. These funds will contribute towards the construction of a free-standing public archive building that will make the UFO research files and other historical materials more readily accessible. Donations can be made easily online or via mail.

For further information, individuals can contact Executive Director David Marler at [email protected] or reach out to the National UFO Historical Records Center through their address: P.O. Box 15541, Rio Rancho, NM 87174. The official website of NUFOHRC,, offers additional resources and information. Visit the site to explore further and report your own UFO experiences.