Tom Hanks stars in ‘The Moonwalkers,’ an immersive visual experience that takes viewers back to the moon

London’s Lightroom showspace is set to host an immersive and captivating experience that will take visitors on a remarkable journey through humanity’s past and future voyages to the moon. “The Moonwalkers: A Journey With Tom Hanks,” a nearly hour-long production, is scheduled to debut on December 6, 2023. This unique experience combines the expertise of the production house that transformed the Washington Monument into a Saturn V rocket, the visually enhanced imagery of “Apollo Remastered,” and the renowned actor Tom Hanks, famous for his iconic line, “Houston, we have a problem.”

“The Moonwalkers” aims to tell the story of the Apollo missions and shed light on NASA’s plans to send astronauts back to the lunar surface in the coming years. The Apollo missions, carried out between 1968 and 1972, saw 24 American astronauts travel to the moon, with 12 successfully landing and exploring its surface. However, after over 50 years, the Artemis missions will mark the first time humans have ventured beyond Earth to another celestial body.

NASA and its international partners plan to utilize water trapped as ice in the permanently shadowed craters at the lunar south pole to establish a sustainable presence on the moon. This presence will serve as an important stepping stone in preparing for future manned missions to Mars.

Collaborating with Christopher Riley, the writer and director behind various space-themed documentaries and television shows, Tom Hanks co-wrote “The Moonwalkers.” Hanks, known for his roles in space-themed films like “Apollo 13” (1995) and HBO’s miniseries “From the Earth to the Moon” (1998), also lends his voice as the narrator for this production. The 50-minute-long show features an original score by Anne Nikitin and is directed by Nick Corrigan and Lysander Ashton of 59 Productions.

In 2019, the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum collaborated with 59 Productions to create a breathtaking show titled “Apollo 50: Go for the Moon.” This show projected a full-size, 363-foot-tall Saturn V rocket onto the side of the Washington Monument in Washington, DC. The performance, lasting 17 minutes, attracted an audience of half a million people who watched from the National Mall and various areas around the city.

The visuals in “The Moonwalkers” are projected onto the floors and walls of Lightroom, creating an immersive experience for visitors. These visuals are a combination of archival footage, newly-shot film, and images sourced from Andy Saunders’ recent book, “Apollo Remastered: The Ultimate Photographic Record.” Thanks to digital remastering techniques employed by Saunders, previously hidden details in the photography captured by the Apollo astronauts are now brought to light.

By combining the remarkable clarity of Saunders’ images with the scale of Lightroom’s projections, “The Moonwalkers” offers not only a reintroduction to the wonders of the moon but also virtually transports visitors to its surface. Tom Hanks describes it as “the most visceral and enthralling story to date of humanity’s journeys beyond our Earth.”

“The Moonwalkers” will run from December 6, 2023, to April 21, 2024, at Lightroom in King’s Cross on Lewis Cubitt Square, adjacent to Coal Drops Yard and Central St Martin’s in London, England. Tickets for this extraordinary experience are currently available for £25 per adult (approximately $31 USD), with discounted rates offered for children, students, and wheelchair users.

In conclusion, “The Moonwalkers: A Journey With Tom Hanks” promises to be an awe-inspiring and educational experience that will transport audiences on a captivating voyage through humanity’s past achievements and future ambitions in space exploration.