Learn about the AARO Website and its features

The Department of Defense (DoD) has recently launched a website for the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), as announced in a press release. The purpose of the website is to provide the public with information about AARO’s efforts to understand and resolve unidentified anomalous phenomena.

The newly launched website will feature various content, including photos and videos of resolved Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) cases. These cases will be declassified and approved for public release before being shared on the website. Additionally, the website will provide reporting trends and a frequently asked questions section, as well as links to official reports, transcripts, press releases, and other resources that may be useful to the public. These resources include applicable statutes and sites for tracking aircraft, balloons, and satellites.

In accordance with the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023, AARO plans to launch a secure reporting tool on the website. This tool will allow current and former U.S. government employees, service members, or contractors with direct knowledge of U.S. government programs or activities to make reports directly to AARO. However, the department is currently conducting final reviews to ensure that the reporting mechanism complies with relevant acts such as the Privacy Act of 1974, the Whistleblower Protections Enhancement Act of 2012, the Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002 (No FEAR Act), and the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. Until the secure reporting tool is available, current U.S. service members, government employees, and civil aviators are encouraged to continue using existing reporting mechanisms within their organizations. Furthermore, a mechanism for members of the general public to make reports will be announced in the near future.

The DoD is committed to transparency regarding AARO’s work on UAP and aims to provide accessible information to the American people. The newly launched website will serve as a comprehensive resource for all publicly available information related to AARO and UAP. AARO will regularly update the website with its latest activities and findings as new information is cleared for public release.

To access AARO’s new website and explore the provided information, visit https://www.aaro.mil. Stay informed about the latest developments in the study of unidentified anomalous phenomena by visiting the website regularly.