Introducing the Latest Documentation: Unveiling the Easley Letter of Roswell

In the search for evidence regarding the infamous Roswell crash of 1947, researchers have been tirelessly scouring for documentation for several decades. While there are a high number of newspaper articles, an FBI Telex, and a few vague references to something strange happening in Roswell, no concrete written statements or personal accounts from the time of the crash have been found. However, recent discoveries have shed some light on the subject.

One potential piece of evidence is a magazine article written by Inez Wilcox, the wife of the sheriff, which mentions “little men.” The problem with this article is that it lacks a date and may have been written after the Roswell crash gained prominence in 1978. To truly establish its credibility, researchers need something from 1947.

Another discovery was a diary belonging to Ruth Barnett. Her niece, Alice Knight, found the diary in a box of her aunt’s belongings after her death. The diary, which was a daily reminder book for the year 1947, contains entries for the entire year but makes no mention of a UFO crash on the Plains of San Agustin.

Stan Friedman, a renowned researcher, suggested that Ruth’s husband, Barney Barnett, had been warned not to speak about the crash, so he likely did not share any details with his wife. However, according to Vern Maltais, a close friend of Barnett’s, he did mention the crash during a Thanksgiving gathering. This suggests that Barnett was not intimidated by orders to remain silent and was willing to discuss it with friends and family. Surprisingly, there is no mention of this remarkable story in Ruth’s diary until Bill Moore interviewed Barnett’s boss after 1978.

Another potentially significant document is an alleged diary belonging to Jesse Marcel, an Army officer involved in the Roswell incident. This diary, a standard Army “Memorandum” book, was found among Marcel’s possessions. Unfortunately, there is nothing in it to suggest a crash, and handwriting analysis indicates that Marcel may not have made the notations in the book.

However, it has been discovered that Major Dalton Smith, another officer in Marcel’s office, had the same office number as Marcel in 1947. It’s possible that Smith, rather than Marcel, made the notations in the Memorandum book. As the notations are not personal in nature, Smith may have left the book behind when he left the 509th Bomb Group or when Marcel departed and it ended up in a box with other items. Regardless, the book does not contain any significant information.

Apart from these findings, there is one exception worth noting. In a Saga magazine article published in the Winter 1974 issue, there is a two-paragraph mention of Lydia Sleppy claiming that her attempt to share the crash story via the news wire was interrupted. This article provides some additional corroboration but does not offer substantial evidence.

The most recent discovery comes from an interview with Major Edwin Easley, the base provost marshal in 1947. Easley, responsible for security at the crash site and on the base, stated multiple times during interviews that he couldn’t discuss the incident due to a sworn secrecy oath. He claimed to have made this promise to the president himself.

Skeptics have questioned whether a low-ranking major would have had direct contact with the president. However, it’s plausible that Easley made the promise to an emissary of the president. Additionally, other secret service agents were dispatched to Roswell in 1947, further supporting Easley’s involvement.

A letter dated December 30, 1947, addressed to Colonel Blanchard, the Roswell base commander, provides some corroboration of Easley’s role. While the opening paragraph seems to be standard seasonal greetings, the second paragraph praises Major Easley and his staff for their invaluable assistance in various investigations. Although this letter could be seen as a routine commendation, it is significant because it establishes Easley’s involvement in a Secret Service-related matter during the time of the crash.

To wrap it up, while concrete evidence of the Roswell crash has remained elusive, recent discoveries have provided some intriguing leads. The search for documentation from 1947 continues, and researchers hope to uncover more substantial evidence that will shed light on this mysterious event.