Evidence of Puncture Wounds and Documentation Revealed in the Pascagoula Alien Abduction Incident

In 2018, Calvin Parker published his book ‘Pascagoula-The Closest Encounter’, detailing his alien abduction experience that occurred on October 11th, 1973, on the Pascagoula River in Mississippi. This incident is often referred to as the best-documented case of its kind. Parker and his co-worker, Charles Hickson, were fishing when they heard a strange sound and saw flashing lights. Suddenly, an oval-shaped craft appeared near them, levitating above the ground. Three humanoid creatures emerged from the ship and paralyzed the men before levitating them into the craft.

The creatures were described as roughly humanoid, standing about five feet tall, with pale wrinkled skin, no discernible eyes, slits for mouths, and lobster-like claws at the ends of their arms. Their heads seemed connected directly to their shoulders, and they had carrot-like growths instead of noses and ears. The creatures moved in mechanical and robotic ways.

Inside the ship, Hickson claimed to have been levitated and examined by a large football-shaped mechanical eye, while Parker could not recall what happened to him during that time. After approximately 15-20 minutes, the men were released and levitated back to their original positions on the riverbank. Terrified by the encounter, they reported it to officials but were told to notify the police.

After the book’s publication, Philip Mantle, a UFO researcher, searched for formal documentation related to the incident. He obtained a PDF file from the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies, which included a curious typewritten document dated October 13th, 1973. Although unsigned, it was written by Dr. James Harder, who examined the witnesses and confirmed their claims. The document mentioned puncture wounds on Parker’s arm and stated that photos of these marks were taken.

In 2021, Mark Rodeghier of CUFOS sent Mantle two photos taken at the time of the incident. These photos could potentially be the ones mentioned in the puncture wounds document. Parker, who viewed the photos, could not recall having them taken but remembered Dr. Harder conducting a physical examination after the incident.

The discovery of these photos adds to the authenticity of Parker and Hickson’s testimony. It confirms Hickson’s description of feeling a prick on his inner forearm when grabbed by the creatures and Parker’s assertion that something was stuck into the underside of his foot. The photos provide visual evidence of the puncture wounds.

Despite the chaos that followed their encounter and the lasting psychological effects, Parker remained honest and genuine in his recollection of events. The Pascagoula incident continues to intrigue researchers, and further details surrounding it will be published in a new book titled ‘BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT – The Pascagoula Alien Abduction’.

Philip Mantle, the author of this article, has been involved in UFO research for decades and is a renowned UFO researcher and author from the UK. He has dedicated his life to investigating UFO events and has firsthand experience in the field. Mantle’s work in collaboration with colleagues from various UFO research groups highlights the importance of sharing information and working together to uncover new evidence.

The Pascagoula incident remains one of the most compelling cases in UFO history, and the discovery of these photos adds another layer of intrigue to the story. It reinforces the credibility of Parker and Hickson’s claims and provides visual proof of the puncture wounds they experienced during their abduction. As we continue to delve into the mysteries surrounding UFO encounters, incidents like the Pascagoula incident serve as a reminder that there is still much we do not know about the universe and its potential extraterrestrial visitors.