Coast-to-Coast AM: Learn About ARRO Briefing and Sightings

In a recent Senate briefing, Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick discussed the progress and logistics of the UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon) Program. However, the briefing was lightly attended by Senators, with only three present. While the focus of Kirkpatrick’s statement was the creation of an investigative team, he did mention that no credible evidence of extraterrestrial activity or off-world technology has been found thus far.

Interestingly, Kirkpatrick did mention that there is a contingency plan in place in case any alien activity is encountered. This raises questions about what this plan entails and how it would be implemented. It’s worth noting that there have been several cases in which the alien explanation remains the only plausible one, such as the Roswell incident and the Rendlesham Forest incident.

Despite being a couple of years into the investigation, little information has been provided about the UAP Program’s activities. Kirkpatrick emphasized that their focus is on investigating terrestrial threats that pose national security risks.

This situation echoes what happened with the Robertson Panel in 1953. The panel suggested taking mysterious sightings, reporting them, and then providing explanations to solve them. The recent Navy cockpit videos and the government’s response seem to follow this pattern of stage-managing explanations. Although the Navy validated the videos, they did not confirm that they showed alien spacecraft. Instead, they attributed the videos to a technological glitch.

What is concerning is that the testimony of pilots and crew members involved in these sightings is being ignored. It’s unclear how a technological glitch in a fighter cockpit would manifest itself as a blip on a surface vessel radar screen. Skeptics argue that uncorrelated targets on radar screens can explain such phenomena, but this explanation leaves many questions unanswered.

This scenario aligns with the Robertson Panel’s approach of providing explanations that people will remember, even if those explanations are questionable. The best example of that’s the Mogul explanation for the Roswell crash. Numerous witnesses described the unusual properties of the debris and its widespread scattering over a pasture in New Mexico. However, the government attributed it to a balloon array and radar reflectors from Project Mogul. Despite the ultimate purpose of Project Mogul being classified, the experiments in New Mexico were not. Flight No. 4 of Project Mogul, which was claimed to be responsible for the debris, was actually canceled, as documented by Dr. Albert Crary’s field notes and diary entries.

The All-domain Anomaly Office (ARRO) seems to be implementing the Robertson Panel’s suggestion to explain mysterious UAP sightings. By changing the term “UFO” to “UAP” and presenting mysterious sightings followed by explanations, they are following a similar playbook. Kirkpatrick’s latest briefing provided statistics that seemingly explain many UAP incidents, but these explanations lack substance.

It is evident that there is an ongoing effort to suppress UFO reports and manipulate public perception. This has been a long-standing government program aimed at influencing civilian thought. However, UFOs, or rather UAPs, continue to be reported worldwide. For instance, a sighting in Ocean Shores, New South Wales, Australia described a triangular object with lights passing overhead silently. Another sighting in Bedford, Virginia involved multiple orb-like objects that changed color and moved erratically at high speeds.

Unfortunately, civilian sightings like these are unlikely to be included in the new investigation, further indicating government manipulation. Despite these efforts, the interest in and prevalence of UAP sightings persist.